Inspiration for my art has been from many sources, but the two main sources in the art world were cave paintings and rock art, and oriental paintings.Both styles seem to me to give the essence of the subject without overdoing details. Details are important in both styles, but only what is necessary to convey the message of the painting.
I worked for years to perfect the backgrounds on my “cave painting horses.” Then when I did it the way I thought it should look, I got carried away with color and added colors that make the background look less like the wall of a cave. The artwork evolved. I paint what I like, but also what other people like.
Recently I have been learning some Chinese brushwork techniques and painting on traditional Chinese rice papers and Shikishi board (it’s a small piece of thick paper for painting on – thicker than matboard but not as thick as foamcore). And I have expanded my subjects to cats. I love cats. I care for 12 of them.
I’ve also painted birds and fish, but not my thing. I will stick to cats and horses.